• Building next generation RNA

Watch: circRNA KOL webinar & R&D update

Circio’s management hosted a live webinar on Wednesday 29 November, featuring a KOL presentation by circular RNA pioneer and founder of oRNA Therapeutics, Dr. Alexander Wesselhoeft.

In the webinar Circio´s management provided a company update and review of the circVec R&D program, and Dr. Wesselhoeft provided a general perspective on circRNA biology and the market landscape.



CEO Statement

Circular RNA is a powerful new format for RNA therapeutics, and with our differentiated circVec platform we have a unique opportunity to take a leading role in this emerging space. We are rapidly building our technical capabilities to demonstrate the versatility and broad potential of our technology and put Circio in position to capture the significant potential of vector-delivered circRNA.

Circio aims to activate the patient’s immune system to fight cancer, and thereby bring benefit to cancer patients with few available treatment alternatives

